James Boutin (he/they)

Educator, Facilitator, and Trainer for Social Change

You’re working toward personal or systems transformation in your life, relationships, workplace, and/or society.

I can help your efforts become more effective, sustainable, and authentic.

If you…

  • would like to further your understanding of oppression and liberation,

  • are interested in experiential liberation work that is embodied, relational, and nuanced,

  • want to become a better steward of social justice work…


  • you may want to scroll down to learn about what I offer.

What I Do

I divide my work into four categories:

  • I teach a framework for understanding the essential nature of systems of oppression and why they exist

  • I offer personal liberation work informed by our struggle toward collective liberation

  • I teach relational and communal skills for stewarding social justice work over time

  • I offer tailored facilitation and facilitator training to help you deepen liberation-driven dialogue and processes


If something on this webpage resonates with you, there’s a good chance I can help you…

  • experience a transformative shift in the way you perceive and approach liberation work

  • develop a practice that will help you advance your own liberation work

  • understand and actualize your unique and needed role in creating a better world

  • become more connected, embodied, and relational

  • learn how to use and facilitate conflict to support growth and prevent violence

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Subscribers to my newsletter get exclusive access to free and discounted sessions and workshops, as well as some offerings that are not available to the general public. Click here to subscribe.

“Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire.”

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Want to Know More?

If you’d like to learn more about who I am and what I offer, please feel free to explore my website further by checking out my About, Services, Events, and My Perspective pages.

To receive updates on my work, more about my perspective, and exclusive access to free and discounted offerings, sign up for my newsletter.

Contact Me

Subscribe to my mailing list or email me directly at james.boutin@mailfence.com

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